
I graduated from the University of Arizona’s College of Agriculture in 1999 with a B.S.Ag. in Plant Biology, and later completed a Ph.D. in Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics in 2006 from the University of Maryland, College Park. I’ve published in the areas of microbial genomics, viral host-pathogen interaction studies, and translational control of gene expression. Along the way I’ve become a major supporter of genomics data provenance and authenticity.

Currently, I’m working at American Type Culture Collection as Senior Director of Bioinformatics & Genomics. I’m also a BioNexus Principal Scientist at ATCC, and hold a joint appoint at Syracuse University’s Forensic and National Security Sciences Institute (FNSSI).

Feel free to chat me up on Twitter (@bioinformer) on anything related to microbial genomics, D&D, mixing EDM music, back-country backpacking…  😉

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